Kailash Trip Information
A blog has been created that contains everything you need to know to make a decision to participate. Here is the link: http://dhyanisdisciples.blogspot.com/ If you plan on participating, please read this information very carefully before making a decision. There are definite parameters that need to be understood before making a decision, some of which involve cost of the trip, status of your health and age to name a few. Ninety-five percent of your questions will more than likely be answered in the blog. Once you have read the guidelines please respond to Jayshree at janahandel@yahoo.com confirming your desire to participate
Jai Guru, gopal
Amazing new tool for yoga enthusiasts designed by Janani! ( TM protected)
Sneak preview of an amazing new tool designed by Janani.
How does it help you:
- Helps you master yoga asanas by utilizing gravity to pull your body into its natural shape
- Use your own body weight to become more flexible
- Easier to do reverse bending asanas like Chakra asana
- This tool is meant for new yoga students as well as for veteran practitioners
- This prop breaks up into two parts for easy storage. For the space conscious, one part can be used as a table.
You can suggest a name for it in the comment section below. If the name submitted by you wins our contest you receive a free yoga class for two people at the Antioch center.
Ma's schedule from June through August 2009

June 5–7
Vajra Panjar 1 Teachings
Luzern, Switzerland
Leta: atelierbramberg@sunrise.ch
June 12, 13
Chakra Bhedan 4 & 5
München, DE
Claudia: claudia.gollan@gmx.de
June 19–21
Vajra Panjar 1 Teachings
Prague, Czech Republic
Tarak: tarak.matl@gmail.com
July 3–5
Guru Purnima Retreat-east
East Coast location TBA
Jayshree: 860-306-5316
July 5
Guru Purnima Day-east
East Coast location TBA
Jayshree: 860-306-5316
July 10–12
Guru Purnima Retreat-west
Antioch, CA
Sumati: 415-383-3215
July 12
Guru Purnima Day-west
Antioch, CA
Sumati: 415-383-3215
July 16–19
Vajra Panjar 2 Teachings
Antioch, CA
Sumati: 415-383-3215
July 25– August 1
Ayurveda Week
Antioch, CA
Tulsi: 925-757-9361
August 12–16
Mahasamadhi Retreat
Antioch, CA
Sumati: 415-383-3215
Video tutorial on 31st May at Antioch center

You are welcome to join us for this amazing tutorial being offered by Bobby Schnitzius. Who is an expert videographer
Objective of this basic tutorial is to prepare you for basic video photography. To get more practice you are welcome to volunteer for local events and be part of the amazing camera crew
This tutorial will be conducted following the regular Sunday morning meditation. From 12:10 p.m. to 12:40 p.m.
Marigold Planting Seva at Antioch Center

Sita Ram!
Please note that due to the hot weather, we have decided to change the plans for planting the marigolds. Instead of planting on Monday, Memorial day, May 25th we will be planting on Sunday May 24th starting at 8am. We will work until around 10:30 and then join the others for chanting and meditation. Lunch is no longer being planned. An rsvp is helpful but not required. To rsvp, please email at tulsi108@comcast.net.